Cactus Framework

The Cactus Framework implements a set of common front-end necessities at a top level provided via React context. The framework attempts to have fewer top level provider components and implements hooks and higher-order components to access these data stores as needed.

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Getting Started

Install via node based package manager

yarn add --dev @repay/cactus-fwk

Import the AppRoot component and use it near the top level of your application. Then provide your feature flag object

// entry.tsx
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { Router } from '@reach/router'
import AppRoot, { FeatureFlagsObject } from '@repay/cactus-fwk'
import HomePage from './pages/Home'
import PageOne from './pages/PageOne'
import PageTwo from './pages/PageTwo'
import fetchFeatureFlags from './api/featureFlags'

 * FeatureFlagsObject = { [key: string]: boolean }

export default () => {
  const [features, setFeatures] = useState<FeatureFlagsObject>(undefined)
  useEffect(() => {
    /** fetchFeatureFlags returns a Promise<FeatureFlagsObject>
    fetchFeatureFlags().then((featuresData) => setFeatures(featuresData))
    // You should catch errors here but the example is not going to address that
  }, [setFeatures])

  return (
    <AppRoot featureFlags={features}>
        <HomePage path="/" />
        <PageOne path="/page-one" />
        <PageTwo path="/page-two" />

Use the provided context by importing the respective hooks or other utilities in the component which needs the data. In this case we import the useFeatureFlag hook.

// ./pages/Home.tsx
import * as React from 'react'
import { useFeatureFlags } from '@repay/cactus-fwk'

interface Props {
  customWelcomeMessage?: string

const Home: React.FC<Props> = (props) => {
  const [customWelcomeEnabled] = useFeatureFlags('custom_welcome_message')

  return (
      <h1>Home Page</h1>
      <p>The normal welcome message</p>
      {customWelcomeEnabled && props.customWelcomeMessage && <p>{props.customWelcomeMessage}</p>}

export default Home

Next read the rest of the API Documentation or checkout out the examples folder