
The Cactus Form library wraps final-form and react-final-form to provide functionality commonly used in our designs, and fix a couple of “bugs” that don’t really appear in normal usage but do appear in the way our designs work. We use final-form because it has a good feature set and flexibility, while being more efficient when working on large forms than other options.

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Getting Started

Both final-form and react-final-form, as well as @repay/cactus-web are peer dependencies of Cactus Form. There’s also an optional step to make React Final Form a little more cactus-friendly; see the “Patching React Final Form” section below.

Once everything is installed, Cactus Form is used basically the same way as React Final Form. In particular, the Field component is very similar to React Final Form’s version, but it has customization features and handles prop forwarding a bit differently:

  • You can set a default subscription under the assumption that most fields in your project will work similarly. The included default includes the value and error fields.
  • You can provide a function to derive a component from the props. This is included to help with dynamic forms, where field types may be stored as strings in a configuration data structure; using this method, you can pass your configuration directly to the field, and map it to a concrete component class/function. The included default mostly maps the type prop to field components from Cactus Web.
  • It adds a post-processing callback for customizing how the render props are combined. The included default adds an error prop if the field has been touched or the form submitted.
  • Each of these can be configured project-wide, or overridden on a per-render basis.

More info on those, along with the two new components FieldSpy and DependentField, is in the API documentation. Specific examples on how to use these components with along with Cactus Web is in the how-to guide.

Patching React Final Form

Cactus Form should work fine out of the box, but there are a couple of issues with certain Cactus components and common design patterns:

  • React Final Form doesn’t work with CheckBoxGroup/CheckBoxCard.Group & array values (i.e. multiple checkboxes with the same name); you have to wrap each checkbox individually, and pass type="checkbox" on each one.
  • With both checkbox groups and radio groups, React Final Form emits a warning that you need to pass type="checkbox" (or “radio”), but if you actually do so it will give the wrong checked/value props to the group component.
  • We often put fields into Accordions that can be re-ordered, e.g. when there’s a repeatable subset of fields on the form. However, Accordion only renders its child fields when it’s open, and the mutators in final-form-arrays are not compatible with react-final-form unless the source and destination fields being reordered are both rendered on the page.

To work around these issues, we provide a patch that can be applied using patch-package. Because this is a library we can’t just apply the patch automatically, so it takes a couple of extra steps:

  1. Make sure you have patch-package in devDependencies or dependencies.
  2. Add the following to your package.json:
"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "patch-package --patch-dir=node_modules/@repay/cactus-form/dist"

Or, if you already use patch-package in your project, you may need to run it twice:

"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "patch-package && patch-package --patch-dir=node_modules/@repay/cactus-form/dist"